
Friday 4 November 2016

The Sea

On a scorching hot day a boy name Jason went down to the beach. Jason was a lifesaver at the beach and always got people getting attacked by sharks and killer whale.

The next day there was a enormous 10 ft wave hitting the beach they were getting call after call about people drowning because of that wave and shark attacks and Orca attacks because they were closer to the shallow bit of the beach.

That day 3 people died 18 injured. It was sad Jason had to save 14 and that was the most. The next 2 years he became the boss. There was another enormous wave but it was bigger than the one 2 years ago.

All the lifeguards rushed out the sand was boiling hot and the life guards saying ouch ouch but with a big voice Jason shouted hurry up but they didn’t listen so Jason ran out got the boat and rushed while the other life guards were whining. Jason saved 19 people but 9 died.

Jason then retired and lived in New Zealand and said he would never go back to that beach and be a lifeguard again because he nearly died.

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