
Tuesday 30 October 2018

The Ocean

The Deep Dark Ocean

Down Down Down in the deep dark ocean lives some terrifying
sea creatures. So deep some sea creatures haven’t been
discovered yet.

In the ocean there are many scary animals like:
different types of sharks, different types of whales and
many more. The most dangerous creature to roam the
seas is the shark. The most famous shark is the Megalodon shark
people say it still roams the ocean but it has been extinct for
2.6 million years.

Even tho swimming in the deep blue ocean in dangerous places
are risky it is still beautiful. In our world the ocean is very vital
because it produces the rain in our world and it also provides 50
times more oxygen to our world and it also cover 70 percent of
the earth's surface.

Did you know that there are seven oceans in our world.
They are called the: the Arctic Ocean the North
Atlantic Ocean, the South Atlantic Ocean, the
Indian Ocean, the North Pacific Ocean, the South
Pacific Ocean, the Southern/ Antarctic Ocean. These
are really important because it again provides 50
percent of our carbon dioxide and covers 70% to
71% percent of our earth's surface.

The ocean is a very vital part of this world.
It has two sides to it the beautiful side and a
very dangerous side. It is very important because
it is part of our water cycle.

Friday 26 October 2018

Tech Reflection

Today at tech I was finally up to carving my designs. Before we carved our designs we had to draw and colour them onto the cardboard we had to carve on. I found this activity not that hard because I had watched my friends carve and I already knew what to do.

Thursday 25 October 2018

Maths Problem: Radius, Circumference And Diameter

Today we played the Radius and Diameter game on Khad Academy and we were to make a DLO with three of the problems and explain how we solved the three questions. For one of the questions it says: If the radius is 7.5 what is the diameter. This was pretty easy because all you had to do was times 7.5 by 2. The answer was 15. There were 2 others that we explained in our DLO. If you don't know what the radius and the diameter is well the radius is half the circle and the diameter is times the radius. I have worked together with Alex and Fraidoon to create this DLO. 

Converting Fractions Into Decimals

Today for maths we played a game which was for people who have finished their work. This game was called Puppy Chase Fractions to Decimals. This game was pretty easy because all you had to do was convert the fractions into decimals. If you got the right answer your puppy would move forward. This was a race so I tried my best to get all answers right. At the end I came first. I got 100% which means I didn't get any wrong.

Friday 19 October 2018

Tech Reflection - Art

Today we had tech. The tech group I was in was art. I have finished drawing all of my cultural designs on my piece of paper which means I know have to copy my designs on to a wooden plank and then carve all of the empty pieces. 

Thursday 18 October 2018

Shake Out!

Today we were learning about New Zealand's National Shakeout day. I worked collaboratively to finish this task with San Kyaw and Tiava. I learnt that when there is an earthquake you need to Drop, Cover and Hold. I also learnt that an earthquake happens when two tectonic plates underground are rubbing together which causes friction on the surface. Did you know that if there was an earthquake happening there usually tsunamis which is the side effect of an earthquake.