For the past two years I have been taught by Ms Kirkpatrick and Mrs Anderson. They are both great teachers and to help us enlarge our knowledge they provide us websites such as read theory. While I have been in Learning Space Two I have been practising my reading by using Read Theory. Today the class have gathered information from our Read Theory accounts to create a statistical graph that shows our improvement between last year and this year.
I am a Year 8 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Learning Space 2 and my teachers are Ms Kirkpatrick and Mrs Anderson.
Wednesday, 21 November 2018
Thursday, 15 November 2018
Touch Cluster
On Tuesday the 13th (which was yesterday) part of the year 5,6,7, and 8 at Panmure Bridge School went down to Dunkirk for the touch Inter Schools. There were 11 schools including us which. The schools that the year 8 yellow team (my team) verse were Tamaki Primary, Pt England, Glenn Taylor, and Stone Fields. We manage to beat Tamaki Primary 5-1. We then verse Stonefields which we won 4-2. After that we verse Glenn Taylor and unfortunately we lost 3-2. Our fourth game was against Pt England. Unfortunately we lost 3-0. After our four games we went into cross over. So since we came 3rd in our pool we got to verse the team who came 4th in their pool. Surprisingly we versed our other year 8 team. We all played our hardest, but we won 2-1. We then played for 5th and 6th against Tamaki Primary (second game against them). We won 3-2 against them. I would like to say a big thank you to Mr Ogilvie for making this happen and also for coaching and supervising us.
Book Week
This week is Book Week. For book week we were splitted into groups. After that we were to answer questions based on books such as: What is your favorite author?, Do illustrations matter? Why?, Do you read the blurb of the book? etc. After answering each questions we were to make a bar or pie graph on one of the questions. I picked the questions: How important is the cover and Why the cover is important? We used the information that people wrote on the paper to help us make our bar graph and pie chart.
Wednesday, 14 November 2018
WW1: Who Were Apart Of The Allied Forces?
Today we have been learning more about WW1. We have listed many questions we would like to figure out. Our main question was, who were the allied forces? This question was something our group talked about, and was something we could agree with to have a understanding to our answer.
Thursday, 8 November 2018
Armistice Day: Collage
Today we remembered the people who died in world war 1 and created a collage about when world war 1 ended. These photos show people and the soldiers celebrating when the war ended. We added photos of the newspapers that came out when the war ended. We learnt that 135 countries participated in the world war and over 500,000 unknown soldiers fell.
Armistice Day,
Thursday, 1 November 2018
Collaborative Comprehension: Battle Of The Somme
Today for reading we are learning about the Battle of the Somme. For this activity I worked with Carl , we worked collaboratively and helped each other to finished this task. I learnt that the war last 4 months/181 days and I learnt that the word catastrophic in this text means hectic or crazy. The Battle of the Somme, it was a battle between British and German but it started between French and German. French soldier order British army to help them beat German soldiers, but at the first day of the war many young British soldiers had died. The most challenging question for me was 'Explain in your own words what the British plan was?' because I need to make my own opinion.
Tuesday, 30 October 2018
The Ocean
The Deep Dark Ocean
Down Down Down in the deep dark ocean lives some terrifying
sea creatures. So deep some sea creatures haven’t been
discovered yet.
In the ocean there are many scary animals like:
different types of sharks, different types of whales and
many more. The most dangerous creature to roam the
seas is the shark. The most famous shark is the Megalodon shark
people say it still roams the ocean but it has been extinct for
2.6 million years.
Even tho swimming in the deep blue ocean in dangerous places
are risky it is still beautiful. In our world the ocean is very vital
because it produces the rain in our world and it also provides 50
times more oxygen to our world and it also cover 70 percent of
the earth's surface.
Did you know that there are seven oceans in our world.
They are called the: the Arctic Ocean the North
Atlantic Ocean, the South Atlantic Ocean, the
Indian Ocean, the North Pacific Ocean, the South
Pacific Ocean, the Southern/ Antarctic Ocean. These
are really important because it again provides 50
percent of our carbon dioxide and covers 70% to
71% percent of our earth's surface.
The ocean is a very vital part of this world.
It has two sides to it the beautiful side and a
very dangerous side. It is very important because
it is part of our water cycle.
Friday, 26 October 2018
Tech Reflection
Today at tech I was finally up to carving my designs. Before we carved our designs we had to draw and colour them onto the cardboard we had to carve on. I found this activity not that hard because I had watched my friends carve and I already knew what to do.
Thursday, 25 October 2018
Maths Problem: Radius, Circumference And Diameter
Today we played the Radius and Diameter game on Khad Academy and we were to make a DLO with three of the problems and explain how we solved the three questions. For one of the questions it says: If the radius is 7.5 what is the diameter. This was pretty easy because all you had to do was times 7.5 by 2. The answer was 15. There were 2 others that we explained in our DLO. If you don't know what the radius and the diameter is well the radius is half the circle and the diameter is times the radius. I have worked together with Alex and Fraidoon to create this DLO.
Converting Fractions Into Decimals
Today for maths we played a game which was for people who have finished their work. This game was called Puppy Chase Fractions to Decimals. This game was pretty easy because all you had to do was convert the fractions into decimals. If you got the right answer your puppy would move forward. This was a race so I tried my best to get all answers right. At the end I came first. I got 100% which means I didn't get any wrong.
Friday, 19 October 2018
Tech Reflection - Art
Today we had tech. The tech group I was in was art. I have finished drawing all of my cultural designs on my piece of paper which means I know have to copy my designs on to a wooden plank and then carve all of the empty pieces.
Thursday, 18 October 2018
Shake Out!
Today we were learning about New Zealand's National Shakeout day. I worked collaboratively to finish this task with San Kyaw and Tiava. I learnt that when there is an earthquake you need to Drop, Cover and Hold. I also learnt that an earthquake happens when two tectonic plates underground are rubbing together which causes friction on the surface. Did you know that if there was an earthquake happening there usually tsunamis which is the side effect of an earthquake.
Thursday, 20 September 2018
Duffy Assembly - Michel Mulipola
Today Panmure Bridge had their Term 3 Duffy Assembly. We had two special guest Campbell from Main freight and our special visitor Michel Mulipola. If you don't who he is, he is a comic book illustrations. It was surprising to hear that he was a professional wrestler, and a semi-professional tekken gamer. He came to tell us about his life story and what he does as a career. I was shocked to hear that he was a semi-professional tekken gamer. He was also here to give out our Duffy Books. The second photo above is a picture he has illustrated for the book Fanene Peter Maivia (Son Of Samoa). The photo is Dwayne Johnson's grandfather. In this book it talks about how Peter Maivia is wrestling for the world title in Samoa, Apia. In my perspectives I think Michel has illustrated this character amazingly. We all thank him for what he had done today and hope he comes again. I would also like to thank Campbell from Main freight who came today and our two librarians who sorted out our library books.
Duffy Assembly
Wednesday, 19 September 2018
Spaghetti Bridges/Brick Test
Today for inquiry we were testing our bridges that we have been working on from the past 1 to 2 weeks. Everyone in our inquiry group had to build there bridge out of 1 pack of spaghetti. I think the group I worked in did an awesome job because the first time we went up it was only able to hold 5 bricks. It was very exciting when our bridge held up 3 because our group predicted that it would only be able to hold up 2. Since the bridge only held up five and slipped, we came back at the end of the session and tried to carry the most amount of bricks which was eight we didn't really think that it would hold up 8 bricks but it did. Our bridges span was 25 cm and could hold between 5 to 8 bricks.
Tuesday, 18 September 2018
Why Do People Build Bridges?
Why Do People Build Bridges?
As you can see there are a lot of bridges around the world.
Bridges today remain for many purposes such as easy access, needing to cross, get
to one place to another, going over and not thru. You see some bridges are still standing today.
Many bridges around the world have a different names instead of a normal bridge name.
There are a ton of bridges that are made for different purposes.
Bridges today remain for many purposes such as easy access, needing to cross, get
to one place to another, going over and not thru. You see some bridges are still standing today.
Many bridges around the world have a different names instead of a normal bridge name.
There are a ton of bridges that are made for different purposes.
Most people think that Bridges were simply made so you can get from point A to B.
Another reasons is that they built a bridges so people don’t have to risk their lives going threw a river.
Bridges are also made because it is easier, faster and it is a more efficient way to get from city to city.
Back in the 17 century the first bridge was made. It was called the Iron Bridge.
It was made for easy accessible natural resources like: wood logs, stone and dirt and
was built to make an easier route to get to the other side, instead of going over deep
valleys and threw rivers.
It was made for easy accessible natural resources like: wood logs, stone and dirt and
was built to make an easier route to get to the other side, instead of going over deep
valleys and threw rivers.
These structures have the ability to cover a long distance, which makes getting from place to place very simple.
Bridges are very vital because without them you would have to be going on a vehicle ferry to get to the
other side which takes a lot of time and down and up the valley which takes up a lot of time, but when we
have bridges you can just go straight over which makes it very efficient and easy.
Bridges are very vital because without them you would have to be going on a vehicle ferry to get to the
other side which takes a lot of time and down and up the valley which takes up a lot of time, but when we
have bridges you can just go straight over which makes it very efficient and easy.
It is easier to see why people build bridges now.
The point was that it could save lives, time, and saves you from going in a
boat and go over the river. There's much more than just the view from a bridge or just crossing it.
boat and go over the river. There's much more than just the view from a bridge or just crossing it.
For centuries around the world, bridges have improved the operation of society and have also benefited the transportation of necessities. To answer the question 'Why do people build bridges?' I have written an explanation which will hopefully tell people about the importance of bridges and how it has contributed to the shaping of modern society.
Diary Of A Wimpy Kid: Dog Days: Character Review
This is my character review. we had to pick a certain part of the book and draw a comic on it. This comic strip is about I boy named Greg who wanted to spend his time inside playing video games all summer, but his mom had different plans for Greg and his family. She wanted her family to spend more time together outside of the house.
Book review,
Diary Of A Wimpy: Dog Days: Theme Review
This is my theme review where we had to explain the 2 main themes in this book. The 2 main themes in this book are togetherness and friendship. Togetherness is shown when his mom told him to spend some more time with family and friends. He does show that quality when he goes with his friends and family to spend time at a beach house. He also shows it when he wants to go to the pool with his family. Friendship is shown when he becomes friends again with Rowley.
Diary Of A Wimpy Kid: Dog Days: Setting Review
This is my setting review. I had to draw/create the main places that are in this book. The main places were: the beach, the country club, Greg's house, Rowley's house and there lawn mowing service. I found the setting very interesting since it was set in multiple places.
Book review,
Diary Of A Wimpy Kid: Dog Days: Authors Purpose Review
For reading we were given multiple task to review the book. The first task I finished was the authors purpose review. I had to find out what the main purpose or purposes for the book. There were 2 main purposes of this book which was to entertain and to inform you about problems 8th graders have which was in this case staying inside playing video games and not spending time with family and friends.
Book review,
Friday, 14 September 2018
After School Basketball - Semi Finals
On Wednesday both Panmure Bridge basketball teams (all year 7 & 8) went down to Tamaki College to play basketball which we do every Wednesday. There were two teams named Panmure Bridge Orange and Panmure Bridge Green. It was a big game for Panmure Bridge Orange (my team) since they were in the Semi Finals trying to qualify in the Finals. We verse Stonefields which was the toughest team we've ever verse in the competition. They had some pretty tall students, but that didn't change our hopes of winning. We sticked to our plan which was: always mark or defend a player and get the rebounds. We tried our best to that and at the end won the game. We were happy to make to the Finals versing Pt England. Hopefully we win the Finals and be the first Panmure Bridge year group to win a Basketball tournament. A huge thank you to Mr Ogilvie for making us part of this competition and also for the transport.
Vector Wero Water Park
Today Panmure Bridge was lucky to be funded by Vector Wero Whitewater Park, but we were to give in $5 each to be part of this activity. There were only year 7 & 8 who had the chance to do a rafting course which was pretty amazing. Before doing anything we were to watch a safety video explaining what we need for the course and how to help someone who's in danger in the water. After that we all put on all our swim suits, helmet, life jacket, and a jacket. We also received a paddle. Soon, we got into group of 6 and each group had an instructor. In my group I had Ofa, Joseph, San Kyaw, Joshua W, Freeman, Tim (instructor), and I. Tim did a little talk about how to stay safe in the water and answered some of our questions. Then it was time for the ultimate rafting course. When we first hoped into our raft we learnt how to paddle forward, backwards, and also how to turn the raft. I also learnt that to make the boat go steady and fast your group has to paddle at the same time. There were two parts of this whole activity: one where you go on your raft around the whole river and the other where you jump onto the water and let the river flow you. My favorite parts was the second because you got to feel how roughed the river was. A big thank you to Vector Wero Whitewater Park for giving us this amazing opportunity and also Mrs Morris for taking and supervising us.
Water Park
HIIT Training - Evaluation
Today was our final session of HIIT. For our final HIIT sessions today our exercise were Tap step, Push ups, Star Jumps and Sit ups. For the past 15 weeks we have been doing our HIIT training's for the AUT research team to see how we have changed from term 2 all the way up to term 3. So far we have all been doing our very well push our limits into the red zone. Most of the exercises we have been doing were very tiring but have pretty much pushed our limits to make our heart rate is in to the red zone. Our goal for our HIIT session were suppose to be Pau Te hau ( Get Puffed ) which we have all succeeded. Our HIIT sessions were all successful. Back in Term 2 most of us were not able to do much of the exercise training's but most of us now in Term 3 have gotten so much fitter so have done much more better with our HIIT training's. Sometime next week the AUT research team are coming to test us and see where we are at with our fitness training's and see how we have changed from Term 2 to Term 3. Myself personally think I have done very well from the past term and hope to get really better with my fitness exercises.
Wednesday, 12 September 2018
Exponents/ Powers
Today our maths session was about exponents. Exponents is a shortened version of writing a whole equation. For example, 14 x 14 = 196 but to simplify it you can write 14 with a little 2 in the top right corner. Freeman and I found this activity kind of hard at the start but then it started to get easier and easier. For this activity we put a DLO together to explain how we answered three of the exponent questions. For this activity I worked with Freeman.
Thursday, 6 September 2018
Kiwi Kapers - Auckland Philharmonic Orchestra
Today went to the Kiwi Capers Orchestra, we watch a performance by Auckland Philharmonia. We listen to 3 pieces of music and one of them was from Romeo and Juliet. We also watched a dance performance from St Kentigern and Ngatapuwae. It was fun watching the Auckland Philmornia play their instruments like: Violin, Trumpet, Trombone, Cello, Triangles and many more. There are different section of intruments, Brass has the Trumpets and Tuba, Woodwind has the Flutes and Clarinet, String has the Violing and the Harp and last one is the Percusion, It has the drums, triangles and Cymbals.
Virtual Reality
Today we had Yvonne and her research team come to our school to learn about structures/bridges. For this we learnt in a different way. We learnt using Virtual Reality, it was an awesome experience. The thing I found most interesting was how the got over the river from point A to point B and that a boat/canoe was called punt.
Monday, 3 September 2018
Sensory Verbs
In writing we did a quiz about sensory verbs. I found the test very easy because I have learnt about them before. Sensory verbs are the 5 senses which are: felt, touch, taste, hear and sound. For example, My massage felt relaxing.
Diary Of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days

Today for reading we had to carry on reading the book we chose at our school library. This book is about a boy name Greg Heffley who planned out his summer break playing video games with the curtain closed eating crisp and drinking energy drinks to keep him awake. But since it was a nice day his mum tells him to go and play outside with his friends Rowley. I think the next thing that is going to happen is Greg and his friend Rowley are going to create a company so they could earn money. I think this because they are talking about how they could get their hands on some cash.
Wednesday, 29 August 2018
Cupcake Problem
Today during maths we had three pretty easy problem to complete, after we'd finished it we then needed to create a DLO on it. After that we were allowed to play this game.
Cupcake Problem
How to Tell Analogue Time
Analogue Time
Have you ever wondered how to tell analogue time? The clock is made up of three to four parts. These parts are the short hand, long hand and the face and sometimes a second hand (The hand that moves rapidly around the face of the clock to count the seconds).
The short hand on the clock tells you the hours because it is pointing at a certain number or numeral and the long hand tells you the minutes. For example if the short hand is on 9 and the long hand is on 1 the time will then be 9:05.
Analogue time is very easy to tell if you practice. You just need to know what the hands do. You need to know that the short hand is the hour hand so you know what hour it is and the long hand is the minute hand so you know what it is pointing to.
Another example to tell analogue time is when it is 6am it is the early hours of the morning and if it is 6pm that means it is late hours of the day. These two type are similar but the mean the complete opposite. Some more examples are is when the long hand is on 9 and the short hand is on the the 6 that means it is either quarter to 7 or 6:45.
Now you know how to tell analogue time. It is very easy to tell and it is a very good skill to have. Now by knowing how to tell analogue time you can now always be on time to family functions work or school.
A lot of people have become dependent on devices such as netbooks and iPad to tell the time for them. People might view this as a joke but it is true and the reasons classes around New Zealand have analogues clocks is to encourage children to expand their skill set and be able to do something as simple as tell time on an analogue clock. This week we have been revising the structures and language features of an explanation. My explanation will hopefully help people learn how to read analogue clock.
Have you ever wondered how to tell analogue time? The clock is made up of three to four parts. These parts are the short hand, long hand and the face and sometimes a second hand (The hand that moves rapidly around the face of the clock to count the seconds).
The short hand on the clock tells you the hours because it is pointing at a certain number or numeral and the long hand tells you the minutes. For example if the short hand is on 9 and the long hand is on 1 the time will then be 9:05.
Analogue time is very easy to tell if you practice. You just need to know what the hands do. You need to know that the short hand is the hour hand so you know what hour it is and the long hand is the minute hand so you know what it is pointing to.
Another example to tell analogue time is when it is 6am it is the early hours of the morning and if it is 6pm that means it is late hours of the day. These two type are similar but the mean the complete opposite. Some more examples are is when the long hand is on 9 and the short hand is on the the 6 that means it is either quarter to 7 or 6:45.
Now you know how to tell analogue time. It is very easy to tell and it is a very good skill to have. Now by knowing how to tell analogue time you can now always be on time to family functions work or school.
A lot of people have become dependent on devices such as netbooks and iPad to tell the time for them. People might view this as a joke but it is true and the reasons classes around New Zealand have analogues clocks is to encourage children to expand their skill set and be able to do something as simple as tell time on an analogue clock. This week we have been revising the structures and language features of an explanation. My explanation will hopefully help people learn how to read analogue clock.
Tuesday, 21 August 2018
Why Is Sleeping Healthy?
This term we have been working collaboratively within our READ groups to find information that will expand our knowledge about sleep. For this topic we have been answering the questions we needed to answer to create a presentation which will hopefully showcase the amount of learning and skills we have picked up along the way. Since the beginning week of this topic we have chosen a leader who helped us stay on track and made sure that we were worked collaboratively within our group. While we were trying to improve our knowledge about sleep we all partook so as a guideline we used the reciprocal reading technique. In reciprocal reading we have someone who summarises the text, a questioner, a leader, a person who helps clarify confusing material found in a text, and also a predictor. While doing this activity we were asked to book our own guided sessions as we needed help with the question, does technology effect our sleeping patterns and also we were asked to choose a time where Mrs Anderson will help us learn how to infer. To learn how to infer we looked at the rooms children around the world have to sleep in and answered does everyone get a healthy sleep. Our group answered no as some of them are at risk of getting while others are always on the lookout for danger as they sleep in an open space. To summarise our learning we created a presentation which answers all the questions asked by Mrs Anderson. Today we showed all the reading groups what we have done and we all spoke proudly and we were all proud of our efforts. While learning about sleep we learnt that melatonin was the hormone produced in our bodies to regulate our sleeping patterns. I found this interesting because I didn't know that our bodies produce more than one hormone.
Reciprocal Reading Evaluation
Monday, 20 August 2018
Scale Drawing
Last week was our maths week we've been creating Scale Drawings. I drew Ninja who is my favourite fortnite player. This is my second time making a scale drawing, I think I improved a lot from last year. I drew an anime character that was easy last year so I wanted to do something harder this year. I found it easy to draw the outlining because I was going box by box. I found it hard to draw all the detail because for some of it I didn't line it up properly.
Scale Drawing
Thursday, 16 August 2018
Lansing Shoal Lighthouse
This week we are focusing on light houses in New Zealand. Our group leader decided to choose Tiritiri Matangi. I think that our group works really well together because we can communicate about things and what we should do to help out with the work. We found an interesting fact about our light house, the light house was made out of cast iron and cast iron is made for making frying pans. We did as much as work as we could to finish this task. There are twenty three light houses in New Zealand and seventy six lights, that's a fact.
Lansing Shoal Lighthouse
Chicago's Sports Teams
Today we were creating a DLO about Chicago sports team. What I found out about one of the teams was they recorded all there victories since 6 years. I worked collaboratively with my group because we did the same amount of work and we all communicated. When one person was finished they would have to help the person that is not finished. We managed to finish this task.
Chicago's Sports Teams
No Hea Koe?
This is what we learned in Maori. We had to name some landmarks in New Zealand and then we had to name landmarks around the world. But we had to write the Maori name for it. To do this activity we had to find a partner that you have to work collaboratively with to finish this. I found this activity very interesting because some landmarks I didn't even knew existed.
Today at Kiwican we changed our topic from Goal Setting to Problem solving. In our Kiwican lesson we learning how to solve problems. First we talk what problems we have in class and in our community and then we did a exercise where we have to untangle ourselves. I found it difficult because not all people could jump over each other. After the activity we then got in a circle and talked some more about how we could solve more problems. Then we did another activity where we had to split up in 2 teams then everyone had to get over the electric fence which was a rope. I found this kiwican lesson very helpful because now I know how to solve some problems out of school and in school.
HIIT Training
HIIT training today was great. Firstly we did push ups, I found the very last sets of push ups very hard because my arms started to hurt. Secondly we did star jumps I found the very easy but again when it got to the end it got hard because my legs and arms started to hurt a little bit.
HIIT Training
Tuesday, 7 August 2018
Today we had our third HIIT session for term 3. We did the same exercise we did last week. The first exercise we did was high knee sprints then tap step, mountain climbers and star jumps. I found the exercise very challenging because I didn't do any other exercises in the weekend other than my rugby game on Saturday. A big thank you Tiava and Zane for helping demonstrate the 4 exercises and another thank you to Mrs Anderson for supporting us on the way.
HIIT Training
Friday, 3 August 2018
Cook Island Language Week
This week is Cook Island Language Week. So from Wednesday to Friday we stared learning more about it. When we had finished our presentation about the Cook Islands. We had to pick anyone in our class to have a special conversation in Cook Island. I found these 2 tasks very interesting because before this I never knew that there are many islands that made up the Cook Islands and that the main island of it is Rarotonga and and the tourist attraction is Aituaki. I liked this activity because we got to learn some words that the islands use.
Cook Island Language Week
Tuesday, 31 July 2018
Where Children Sleep
This week we have been separated into READ groups. In my group was Jeremiah, Freeman, Nyjah, Ofa and Affonso. Our task was to find out why sleep is so important for humans. One of the questions we were aiming as a group was Do all humans have the same chance of having a healthy sleeping? First we we focused only on our group and asked if we have the same chance of sleeping. We all said yes, but that hadn't mean that everyone has the same chance of sleeping because we explored other kids around the world you don't have a healthy sleep like us. A kid in Brazil sleeps on couches outside and a kid from Cambodia sleep on tyres and picks rubbish early in the morning. By learning why sleep is so important for us we also came through a work called inferring. Inferring means when you read between the lines and find hints in the text to answer a questions or guessing that something is true. Sleeping is important for your mental health because it restores our bodies and helps our brains to make strong memories and process about any information. People who don't have enough sleep or have sleeping problem can get to trouble as it can lead to disease such as heart & kidney disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and stroke.
Where Children Sleep
Thursday, 26 July 2018
HIIT Training
Today we had HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training). Tiava and I were leading all the exercises, which were Tap step, Star jumps and High Knee Sprints. We did 3 sets of all the exercises. The first set we did 1 and 2 didn't get that tired but during the last set where we had to go all out I got very tired at the end. A big thank you to Mrs Anderson who keep us all in time and motivated during the exercises.
HIIT Training
Wednesday, 4 July 2018
Matariki is a one of the most special Maori celebrations in the whole of the world. Matarki is a Maori New Year. It is about a mother and its six daughters. The word Matariki means the yes of god. These are names of the seven sisters, Matariki, Tupu A Nuku, Tupu A Rangi, Waiti, Waita, Waipuna Rangi and Ururangi e. I work collaboratively to do this task with Jericho, Mojtaba and Oscar. I found this task every exciting because today we are celebrating Matariki.
Tuesday, 3 July 2018
M&M's Presentation
Last week our focus was on M&M's. Our teachers put us into groups of 4 to 6 then we had to work collaboratively to complete this task. I found this task very interesting because I never really pay attention to the history about M&M's. The hardest thing I found about this task was finding the percentage of how much M&M's were in a 45g packet. The easiest thing to me was making the pie chart and the bar graph because it gave me the percentages and what colour had the most in the packet. In our packet we found that most of our packet contained more yellow than any other colour. Another interesting thing I found was that the red M&M's were removed for a decade due to cancer reasons.
M&M's Presentation
Thursday, 21 June 2018
HIIT Training
Today at HIIT we had changed the exercise we have been doing and are now doing exercises to do with our strength. The exercises we had to do were push ups, sit ups and pull ups. Before we started we did some warm up exercises. When we finished our warm up exercises we got straight into the exercises we had to do for HIIT. For me the exercise I struggled the most on was the pull ups in the first round but I got use to it later on in the 2 and 3 round. From these exercises I learnt how to do a pull up properly and a push up properly.
Friday, 15 June 2018
Tech Reflection - Pewter Casting
Today we had tech. In pewter casting some people were still finishing there designs and some people are on to the second which is using sand paper to make there designs look shiny. All I have to do is to start polishing my design with the sand paper. When you shine you have to use different sand papers because they have different grip on it. You had to start with roughly 100 to 120 then you go to 400, 800, 1200 and then you have to keep doing this process until you can kind of see your own reflection on the pewter (A type of metal).
Pewter Casting
Thursday, 14 June 2018
This week for Kiwican with Miss Lily and Mr Matt (Our Kiwican Tutors) we had changed our topic from integrity to accountability. At Kiwican we learn about values and the theme and topic that is chosen. For this term we are learning about integrity and accountability. Accountability means when you take owner ship for your own actions and integrity means doing the right thing when no one is looking. Accountability can be used in Panmure Bridge School when you do something wrong and owning up and not blaming anyone else and integrity can be shown when you turn up to school early with your P.E uniform or bringing your device at school fully charged. After learning about our themes and topics we played a game called two truths and one lie. Then we did GKQ, in this activity we had to answers random questions that our kiwican tutors gave.
Tuesday, 12 June 2018
Fractions Of An Amount
For maths today we solved fraction equations. First we solved the first three with our teacher (Ms Kirkpatrick) then we could choose if we would stay on the mat or go work by yourself. Fraidoon and I chose to stay on the mat because we still didn't quite get what we had to do. We did 5 more then we had to do the last 2 by ourselves. I think this task was bit hard at first but it got easy at the end.
Friday, 8 June 2018
Yesterday we had our third session of Kiwi sport with Haymish. We learnt how to side step to get away from our defenders but we also learnt how to spin to get away from our defenders to. We were learning these skills while playing different styles of rippa rugby games. I found these activities good because even tho I play Rippa rugby, I have know learnt how to side step and spin of both legs.
Tech - Pewter Casting
Today for tech we've been learning how to cut our design using a saw blade. First we make sure that our design is possible to make. Secondly we trace our design to a wood, then we cut it. Next week we will put the Pewter to our design, Pewter is a grey alloy of tin copper that is look like a Iron. Pewter is easy to use because you can melt it in just 240 degree, if you use iron it will take so long to melt it down you need up to 2,000 degree to melt it.
Tuesday, 5 June 2018
Human Body Quiz
Today for inquiry we did a quiz about the human body systems. I found this activity very easy because this term for inquiry we have been learning about body systems and at school we went to the life education caravan and we learnt about the body systems..
This week for Kiwi can we were learning to work as a team. Our topic this term was is integrity. Integrity means to show kindness when no one else is looking and doing the right thing. In kiwi can we talked about how we can show how we can respect others in our own ways. To show integrity we played a game called captain ball. The aim of the game was that their were 4 teams and we needed to choose 1 captain to the ball to. This game was quite hard because lots of people were trying to hit the ball away from us.
Tech Reflection
Today for tech we have been learning about pewter casting. The first thing that we had needed to do was read the rules for the pewter casting tech room. We were first asked questions if we knew what pewter casting was and what it is. Our task was to find out what we wanted to create and how we will be using it or even who we were making it for. So Mr Grundy had sent us a worksheet showing who we will be creating our design for. The Designs I am making for are my mum, dad, cousin and myself. We chose 4 of each items that we wanted to create into our DLO. But the thing is the images we had chosen had to be silhouette so it would be easier to create. The thing is our images couldn't be thick or else it would bend or snap. I had enjoyed doing this rotation because I would really want to make something special for my family.
Friday, 1 June 2018
Ballad Poem - Charlotte Ann
This week LS2 focused on a ballad poem which was based on a pioneer name Charlotte Anne. Charlotte Anne wasn't like other women. She wore jeans that means would wear and Hobnail boots that were size 6. She worked as a bullocky (bullock driver) with other men and she broke down social barriers and wasn't ashamed of being herself and what she did. She took a lot of risk in her life and told herself that women are just capable as men. During reading this poem we learnt a few words such as Catamaran, Marrow, Yarning, Caressed. The word I found interesting was caressed which means to stroke someone or something gently. We didn't just research about Charlotte Anne but also the author of the poem. His name was John Thomas Diamond (short for John.T Diamond). We wrote facts about him and I learnt that he was a New Zealand Author and sadly passed away in 2001. I have worked collaboratively with Josh, Jona, Joshua and Jericho to complete this DLO.
Wednesday, 23 May 2018
Today for maths one of our activities were to solve an age problem. To solve this problem I used subtraction, addition, division and multiplication. I found this activity easy because I have had experience with this. My goal was to solve this problem using multiple operations.
Salary Problem
This week for maths we were given a word problem that involves money. Fraidoon and I worked collaboratively to solve this. I found this task quite easy because it mostly involved addition. Maybe next time I could try and use my timetables to solve it.
Salary Problem
Travel Data
Today for one of our maths activities I did a pie chart about the different transportation that people take to school. I also compared our results to the school in England. This pie graph shows that the most used transportation is a car. We also were given questions to answer about the English results.
Travel Data
Monday, 21 May 2018
Using Dialougue
For writing this week we were to go on a text creator called Fake iPhone text Message to write a fake conversation between two peoples. First we were to write the message in the Fake iPhone text message. We weren't allowed to use any T.V show names so I decided to use Don and James. After that we were to write the message in a story format that included punctuation such as speech marks. This meant that we were to write every thing that a new person said on a new line.
Using Dialougue,
Monday, 14 May 2018
Body System
Today for inquiry we were learning about the human skeletal system. We were to go and read about the skeletal system and then play a game. In this game we needed to assemble the bones in the right place. Our challenge was to get it in twenty six tries. My favorite part of the game was that it helped me learn more about the human body.
Body System,
Skeletal System
Friday, 11 May 2018
Kiwi Can Reflection
Today was our third session for Kiwi Can this term. Our tutors were Mr Matt and Miss Lily. First they reminded us of what our theme and topic was. Our theme for this term is Making Good Choices for example instead of watching a fight and encouraging them to keep fighting you can make the good choice and stop it. Our topic for this term is Integrity which is doing the the right and positive things when know one is looking. An example of integrity is when a teacher or an adult tells you to do your work you don't play games you actually focus on your work. At Kiwican we also played a game called opposite which is when you do the opposite actions to what you leader/tutor is doing. So Miss Lily was our leader. If she put her hand up we had to put our hand down. Or if she had her out we had our hand in. At first it was confusing but then we got the hang of it because we had 5 rounds. After that we went to have a game which I totally forgot what the name was. This game includes four teams. These for teams then pick a leader who stands in the middle with the other three leaders. We then have to try and pass the ball to our leader without walking or running. This was a bit like netball but more enjoyable to play.
Kiwi Can Reflection
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