Today for maths we had to do Ordering Decimals it was a fun game we had to pop balloons which have decimals on it we had to pop them smallest to biggest.
I am a Year 8 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Learning Space 2 and my teachers are Ms Kirkpatrick and Mrs Anderson.
Tuesday, 28 February 2017
Comparative and Superlative
For writing we did comparative words and superlative words. Comparative words are words ending with ier or er and superlative is a words ending with est or iest. After that we had to pick one out of all of them. I picked Angry angrier angriest after that you add pictures.
Monday, 27 February 2017
(Care Awards) Belonging to PBS
THis is for my respect C.A.R.E award. We had to create a information brochure on belonging to PBS I put in photos that I really liked. There are photos of PBS at Tech, Futsal,Watercare and the rugby interschool.
Agents of Change
For inquiry we had to say how we could be a agent of change and what is an agent of. An Agent of change is someone who helps the community. It is like picking up rubbish and not throwing rubbish down drains.
Te Taiao O Tamaki
Friday, 24 February 2017
Today the year 7 and 8 went to tech at Tamaki College. Half of the year 7 went to wood work and the other half went o graphics. The year did food tech. They cooked kabas and potato salad. Today for tech we were learning about Jewellery's. The fun thing today about tech was we got to draw four items that we picked last week for the client we are going to make the Jewellery for. I am doing a necklace for my friend Ofa. I know he likes David Fusitua, Skittles, Soccer and Baseball. I have drawed all four pictures. There are some pictures there when we were learning.
Technology-Lesson 2- Product Research
Unistructural,Multistructural, Relational and Extended Abstract. We learnt all of these words at Tech today. Tech today was amazing we got to pick four of our Ideas and draw on a piece of paper. I picked a baseball,Soccer,David Fusitua and Skittles. Before that we wrote answers on 4 specific jewellery. I learnt a lot at Tech today and I can't wait till we go next week to learn more with Mrs Ferguson.
Thursday, 23 February 2017
E Ako-Maths
Today we did E Ako Maths I was doing place value I got all of the answers right. It was fun and amazing the questions were not that easy. This site is really good for your maths.
Tuesday, 21 February 2017
What is a river?
LI: To identify and describe the features of the Tamaki River
In inquiry we had to get into buddy's to make a 25 word explanation about a river. My buddy was Ofa this is our 25 word explanation. A river is a flowing watercourse which flows into oceans, seas and lakes. Rivers do not flow in a straight line because the river prefers meandering. I learnt lots of new words like meandering which is the bend in the river and other things.
Te Taiao O Tamaki
Friday, 17 February 2017
Today we had to make a DLO on tech because every friday we go Tech at Tamaki college. There was 3 groups they were Jewellery,Woodwork and food. I was in Miss Ferguson's group we were creating Jewellery we had to write down 5 people to create the Jewellery for i picked Ofa, Zane, Mrs. Anderson, Josh and Jona. I picked Ofa out of all 5 of Zane, Mrs. Anderson, Josh and Jona. Next I had to write down things they liked. Ofa liked 6 things sprinting,Rugby League, Soccer, Rugby League and skittles. After that we had to write down types of Jewellery.
Technology Graphics-Design Brief
Today we went to Tech we were split into 3 groups. My teacher is Miss Ferguson. The other groups are doing food, 3d printing,Art,Laser cutter and woodwork. I am designing something for my friend Ofa.
Thursday, 16 February 2017
(Care Awards) Thank you letter to Mrs Anderson
This is a DLO saying thank you to my teacher. This is one of my Respect C A R E Award task. I have written a lot of things to my teacher. Mrs Anderson is one of best teachers ever she is respectful and an amazing teacher. I have learnt a lot from my teacher about the Water. Thank you Mrs Anderson for everything you have done to me. I appreciate it a lot.
Care Awards,
Care Values,
(Care Awards) Life At PBS
Today for one of my Respect C A R E Award Task I had to make a collage about Life at PBS (Panmure Bridge School). I have photos that show how we learn at PBS and photos of being in the rugby team. In the Collage it is also showing you what we learnt about Rivers and Lakes.
Care Awards,
Care Values
(Care Awards Cooper Cronk A Respected Leader
In this presentation I am showcasing Cooper Cronk for A Respected Leader for my C A R E awards. For Me Cooper Cronk is one of my favourite players to ever play on a NRL field. I admire him because the way he acts on the field and of the field.
Care Awards,
Care Values
(Care Awards) Respect DLO
For one of my C A R E Award Respect task I had to create a DLO showing respect using photos I have been taking. I have four photos that show respect. You should respect people around you and also respect our environment by picking up rubbish if you see one. I have learnt what respect mean and look like.
Care Awards,
Care Values
(Care Awards) My Personal passion
This DLO is for my Excellence and Innovation care award badge. In this DLO it is explaining My Personal Passion. My Personal Passion is Rugby League. It is a amazing sport to play if you are really good you could play professional for the Warriors and many more.
Kiwisport Futsal
This week for kiwisport we were learning how to play Futsal. Futsal means indoor Soccer. There are many differences between Futsal and Soccer like the size of the ball and the weight of the ball.
Water Cycle
Te Taiao O Tamaki
Wednesday, 15 February 2017
(Care Awards) How to stand up to a BULLY
This is my How to stand up to bullies for my Confidence care award. In this google presentation it is showing you types of bullying, How people get bullied and How to stand up to a bully.
Tuesday, 7 February 2017
PBS Care Values
LI: To understand how we will use the Panmure Bridge School values to help us make the most of our learning
Today we learnt about the 4 C.A.R.E values Confidence Attitude Respect Excellence and Innovation. Mrs. Anderson took photos of us showing the four care values. It was fun working together in a team and explaining the four Care Values.
Today we learnt about the 4 C.A.R.E values Confidence Attitude Respect Excellence and Innovation. Mrs. Anderson took photos of us showing the four care values. It was fun working together in a team and explaining the four Care Values.
Care Values
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